Saturday, February 29, 2020

Something Unexpected

Today I had the most unexpected thing occur. I was working at the nursing home and one of my residents stopped to chat about a concern she had for another resident. I talked with her and reassured her. After she was satisfied that all was well, she sat and stared at me for a few moments. She finally said, “you really are a pretty girl. Not a girl, a lady. And you’re not just pretty, you’re beautiful. You’re really beautiful.”  That small exchange made my entire day!  I found myself with tears in my eyes as I humbly thanked her. I told her, I don’t always feel beautiful. But she wanted me to be sure I knew that I was. Later in the shift I spent another 30 minutes with this same resident. She recounted stories of her husband, her love. Their life and travels and his endearing nickname for her. She made me hopeful that there is love like that out there. And I know now that I am beautiful and I will find it.