Sunday, December 20, 2009

coming soon

so i was reading one of the many magazines that i like to read and it gave suggestions for 2010. as 2010 gets closer and we get closer to starting a new decade (my 3rd btw), the magazine gave ideas on how to remember/document this time. one of the ideas was to take a picture of your family everyday. i loved this idea! everyday my family changes. some days we're happy, some we're sad, some we're silly...some days we are just lazy and don't do anything. but everyday is special and important and something to treasure.

so coming 1/1/10 i am going to start snapping pictures everyday of "the family" and post them here with perhaps some dialogue. now you may not see all 5 of us everyday, but definitely the highlights.

this is a HUGE commitment and undertaking for me, but i will try really hard to do this everyday. at the end of the year it will be fun to look back and see what 2010 brought us.

if i had been more on the ball this evening, i would start by posting a little mini-preview. but i will share my story of today....finished baking cookies for the holidays. had the kids helping and mia being mia wants to get right up and smell the cookies. as i pull the HOT cookies sheet out of the oven, she comes over to smell them and before i know what is happening, she has put her chin ON THE COOKIE SHEET! she was so stunned she kept it there for a few seconds. but she was such a big girl. did not cry or tear up. i quickly grabbed some aloe from the plant i keep in the window next to the stove and put some on her chin. but she still has a pretty bad burn.

but the bright side of this, she will probably most definitely keep her face away from the food from now on. at least the hot stuff. but anyway, i had cute pictures of her and noah (pre-burn), mia by herself (post burn) and aidan in front of the christmas tree. i will have to post those later. for now off to bed for me. until next time...