Sunday, November 23, 2008

more things political

as i am organizing my stuff, i am trying to catch up on stuff i wanted to post. first i have a clip from the obama must turn your head sideways to see it.....and the sound quality is not the best.....but hey, enjoy anyway, it's the thought that counts. next up, a few palin rally pics. i was not nearly as close as with obama and i did not attempt to record any of the speech. basically, if you heard any late stump speechs, then you heard this one. i was even reciting parts at the end.

if you look REALLY close under the vote sign, you can see gov. palin in red......i know!
anyway, she visited jc the day before election day, to get all those undecided joe plumbers to vote for john mccain. i'm not sure if that's what did it, but missouri ended up becoming a "major" state in the election....and by major, i mean we took the longest determining our winner and we were super close. but if you look at my ballot, there is no doubt who i voted for.

i took noah with me to vote that day and he went into the booth with me. afterwards, i let him cast my ballot. it was very exciting for both of us! we both left there with our "i voted" stickers on, and each with a different thought about that. later that night while we watched history being made i became very emotional...........i am proud to be an american is one of noah's favorite songs and mine as well. there are many times in my life when i have truly felt proud and that night was one of them. until next time......