as we get closer and closer to 2010 i have been cleaning out stuff from 2009. i am closing another blog that i have and was reading some old posts. i decided to post some of those here to share. so you may or may not want to read, but hear are some of my musings circa 2007/2008.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Current mood: sleepy
i had this realization this morning.........i realized i had the same one after mia was born.
suddenly you have this new baby and you realize your other children aren't really as "small" as they once seemed.
i've been carrying and feeding aidan for a week now....suddenly i picked up mia this morning and she was heavy! her legs, arms, hands, everything all seemed huge all of a sudden.
then i had this feeling of deja vu because i realized i had the same thing happen with noah after mia was born.
that was one of my realizations......i had another one right after aidan was born too.
i realized then as soon as he was born.....this isn't so bad. i've been saying this whole pregnancy that this is the last time i'm going to be pregnant, but now maybe not.
i actually thought i'd like to have another baby.....just not anytime soon though. maybe in 2 years or so (or 3 years and 3 months since that seems to be what i've done so far).
well, aidan is finally back to sleep, so i'm going to bed. ah, the joys of an infant! :-)
1:53 AM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
10 More Weeks To Go!
The countdown is on! Only 10 more weeks to go! I am so tired of being pregnant that I can't wait. That, plus, I'm ready to meet little "Aidan."
We bought his bed today, so at least he will have somewhere to sleep. He doesn't have clothes, diapers or anything else.......I take that back, he does have some kick ass flame leg warmers!
1:44 AM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
my baby is not a baby anymore
Current mood: nostalgic
i'm sad.......
noah lost his firt tooth last night. :(
he said it was the happiest day of his life!
i'm too emotional to say anymore................................
3:49 PM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
100 Things
..> ..> 100 Things
1) Are you in a complicated "love" situation? what love situation is not complicated? but no, not really......
2) Do you hate more than 3 people? i don't hate anyone, dislike, quite possibly
4) How many houses have you lived in? 8 if you count apartments too
5) Favorite candy bar? butterfinger
6) Have you ever tripped someone? sure
7) Least favorite school subject? english.....hate to write papers
8) How many pairs of shoes do you own? 20+
9) Do you own a Britney Spears CD? not a full cd, but a song or two on my iPod
10) Have you ever thrown up in public? probably
11) Name one thing that is always on your mind? my kids are usually somewhere on my mind
12) Favorite genre of music? no real favorite
13) What's your zodiac sign? aquarius
14) What time were you born? 4:30 a.m.-ish
15) Do you like beer? not at all
16) Have you made a prank phone call? Of course!
17) What is the most embarrassing CD you own? i'll have to get back to you on that, because i can't think of one of the top of my head
18) Are you sarcastic? at times
19) What are your favorite color(s)? orange
20) How many watches do you own? 2 or 3
21) Summer or winter? Summer!
22) Is anyone in love with you? someone better be or there is going to be trouble!
23) Favorite color to wear? black.....slimmer
24) Pepsi or Sprite? Sprite
26) Where is your second home? my parent's
27) Have you ever slapped someone? Yes
29) How many lamps are in your bedroom? 2
30) How many video games do you own? me none......travis and noah, i have no idea
31) First pet you owned? first dog was spot....we have tons of fish before that
32) Ever had braces? I sure did and i should have worn my retainer!
33) Do looks matter? no always
34) Do you use chapstick? everyday
35) Name 3 teachers from school: from elementary: Mrs. Bledsoe, Miss Dahms, Mrs. Rooney
36) American Eagle or Abercrombie? love my american eagle jeans!
37) Are you too forgiving? probably, i don't like to stay mad at people, it takes too much energy
38) How many children do you want? 4 would be a good number
39) Do you own something from Hot Topic? nope
40) Favorite breakfast meal? pancakes, eggs, sausage and bacon with a tall, cold glass of milk
41) Do you own a gun? No
42) Ever thought you were in love? Yes
43) When was the last time you cried? last night?
44) What did you do last night? stayed home with the kids, put them to bed early and watched the good shepard and little children
46) Have you ever called your teacher mum? Nope
47) Have you ever been in a castle? no but would love to
48) Nicknames? anna banana
50) Ever been to Kentucky? driven through many a times
52) Are you thinking about somebody right now? yep
53) Ever called somebody Boo? nope
54) Do you smoke crack? never even had the urge
55) Do you own a diamond ring? Yes
56)Are you happy with your life right now? parts of it
57) Do you like your hair? some days and today is not one of those days
58) Does anyone like you? i hope so
60) What were you doing in May of 1994? just finishing my freshman year of high school
61) Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD? yep....that may be my most embarrassing cd
62) McDonalds or Wendy's? both have their pros and cons
63) Do you like yourself? yep, it would be really hard if i didn't
65) Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex? wow.....physical feature.....changes with each person.....for my husband his eyes, he has a cute nose and i like his manly hands and feet......that's corny isn't it?
66) Are you afraid of the dark? no
67) Have you ever eaten paste? i can't recall, but probably not
68) Do you own a web cam? no
69) Have you ever stripped? Of course
70) Ever broke a bone? yep
71) Are you religious? i wouldn't say religious....but i think i am a spiritual person
72) Do you chat on AIM often? nope
73) Pringles or Lays? lays with ranch dressing
74) Have you ever broken someone's heart? i hope not
75) Full house or Brady Bunch? neither
77) Did you like your school guidance counselor? i loved mrs snodgrass....she changed my life!
78) Has anyone ever called you a tease? probably
79) Do you have any pets? 1 dog
80) Do you own a car? i own 2 cars.....i love not having a car payment
81) Can you cook? i'm pretty decent
82) 3 things that annoy you? people running their bare feet or hands across carpet, people who try to outtalk or talkover me, and the sound of the ice cream truck
84) Money or love? Why does this have to be OR?
85) Do you have any scars? yes a few
86) What do you want more than anything right now? a degree just so i can be done
87) Do you enjoy scary movies? sometimes
89) Big red or Juicy fruit? Big Red
90) Do you enjoy greasy food? oh yeah!
91) Have you seen all the Rocky movies? only2
92) Do you own a box of crayons? i have hidden a box somewhere in my house and they only come out for supervised use.
93) Ever had sex in a public place? define public.....i think my car.....oops, just remembered my balconey with a person who shall remain nameless
94) Who was the last person you said I love you to? mia
95) Who was the last person that made you mad? travis, i think
96) What was the last thing that made you cry? i'm sure it was something i watched on tv
97) Who was the last person that made you laugh? really, gut clinching laugh....katt williams
99) Who was the last person that called you? my mom
100) Who's your cell phone provider? the new at&t
10:20 AM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Sanjaya is OFF American Idol!!!!
Current mood: morose
I must admit I am a little upset that Sanjaya is off American Idol. I truly believed he was going to win. The show will not be as interesting without him.
1:36 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
What do you think?
so travis and i had this disagreement the other night and i really need another opinion because it actually really ticked me off. he came home from work and was relating to me about a co-worker who was upset because she had to go to her 13 year-old daughter's school the next day to meet with the principal and police because they are thinking about charging the girl with harrassment. apparently the child rides the school bus and is being bullied by some other children...on this particular day one of the kids hit her? or something? and she turned to the child and said 'if you don't leave me alone, i'm going to kill you.' now here is where the issue lies. apparently if the 13 y.o. is found guilty she will be kicked out of school and not allowed to register in any other mo public school for the rest of her academic career along with counseling, etc. travis feels this is too harsh because she is 13 and at that age you say things in the heat of the moment and are never going to follow through on them. i, on the other hand, think this is exactly what should happen. his thought is that i should agree with him because if it was one of our kids then i would think it is too harsh. but actually i feel, that would never happen with one of our kids because we are trying to teach them how to deal with their anger in a positive and constructive manner and not resort to those kinds of threats. as a matter of fact we have somewhat already dealt with the bully situation with noah and i have already advised him not to resort to retaliation. i told him that he just needs to not play with that individual anymore and it it continues to tell his teacher and his parents so that we can help deal with the situation. isn't that the parents job? to help teach their children how to deal with situations and to also help guide them through these types of situations. shouldn't we teach them that there are consequences to their actions and how to accept responsiblity for those actions? even if that means you are expelled from school? i personally think this child should face those kinds of consequences just because i have children in the school system and i would not want my child in a class with someone who even verbalizes those thoughts. especially in light of the current events in our country. truly the entire disagreement really upset me and we had to not speak for a couple of hours because we both truly felt the other was wrong or at least altered in their thinking. what does everyone else think?
12:37 PM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Current mood: cranky
hello everyone! i'm feeling a little down today and irritated. it's probably dangerous to be depressed and mad at the same time, but oh well. i registered noah for school yesterday and it was sad. i have a hard time wanting to let my "baby" grow up. partially because that means that i'm getting older, but also because time flies soooo fast. i can still remember with clarity the day he was born. but we got to meet his teacher and see his classroom. it really is sad because it's this big ol' school and my little bitty boy. travis of course points out that "this gym is awfully small." while my thoughts were "he needs a gym" and "he's small!"
then filling out the enrollment forms and it asks for mother's contact info and father's contact info.....for those of you who i have discussed this matter with, you can probably guess my thoughts about that. this cycle travis and i are in is getting depressing. i say travis and i because we are married and what happens to him, is happening to us......but HIS job cycling is wearing. i know it's not his fault that there are layoffs, but i want him to feel more motivated to change his current status then he is. but that is another day and another rant.
i'm feeling irriated right now with my own job and these students. i started out feeling bad and like a bit of a bitch, but now that i have had time to mull the whole situation, i don't feel too bad anymore. i had two different students call me within minutes of each other wanting me to spend 5-15 minutes of my time talking with them about assignments that were due TOMORROW! most times i don't mind doing this and i will do this, but today......i don't know maybe it's me. i think a large part of it was approach. i felt like they were just expecting me to drop whatever i was doing to help them with something they probably knew about at least last week, but because it is due tomorrow they wanted urgent action. then both subjects are something that i am in no way an expert on, and when i made suggestions of better people to talk with they made me feel bad about that. one student said, but this is the student health center. while that is true, don't come and ask me to give you 15 minutes worth of information about foot health when, let's be honest, student health is not primarily foot health! i gave very generic advice....clean your feet, if your diabetic check your feet weekly, keep your nails neat and trimmed, etc. then recommended call a PODIATRIST....FOOT DOCTOR to get better advice on FOOT HEALTH and he gives me the "but this is student health" !!!! just irritating. the other student was just as bad. she wanted me to talk with her about posture. when asked what about posture? she just wanted how good posture effects health. that once again would have brought forth very generic answers. when i suggested...hey try an orthopedic office or physical therapy office.....i got the response of, "i wanted to try to stay on campus." then i feel like she was making me feel bad for not giving her more help then that, but truly......student health does not deal with good posture either. ask me anything on STD's anymore and i'm your girl or staph infections or Pap Smears.....something i deal with on a daily basis and then i would feel totally comfortable helping you, but don't come to me with stuff that i in no way deal with often and expect me to be your expert on the subject. that just makes me look stupid. whew......enough of that rant.
i have one more rant....largely aimed at my husband and his juvenille ways but that may be for another day because 1)he's a man and there is always some juvenille issue that they have on a daily basis....sometimes i feel like i have 3 children and 2)it is five o'clock and i WANT to go HOME. this has been the day from &*#^ and i have really gotten nothing accomplished. my desk looks like a tornado hit it......maybe i'll take work home with me......actually since i have to be here tomorrow night to help with a student presentation (see...i do help the students!) then maybe i'll just sit a my desk with the door locked until i have to go to the presentation.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
old blogs
Posted by Anna at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 20, 2009
coming soon
so i was reading one of the many magazines that i like to read and it gave suggestions for 2010. as 2010 gets closer and we get closer to starting a new decade (my 3rd btw), the magazine gave ideas on how to remember/document this time. one of the ideas was to take a picture of your family everyday. i loved this idea! everyday my family changes. some days we're happy, some we're sad, some we're silly...some days we are just lazy and don't do anything. but everyday is special and important and something to treasure.
so coming 1/1/10 i am going to start snapping pictures everyday of "the family" and post them here with perhaps some dialogue. now you may not see all 5 of us everyday, but definitely the highlights.
this is a HUGE commitment and undertaking for me, but i will try really hard to do this everyday. at the end of the year it will be fun to look back and see what 2010 brought us.
if i had been more on the ball this evening, i would start by posting a little mini-preview. but i will share my story of today....finished baking cookies for the holidays. had the kids helping and mia being mia wants to get right up and smell the cookies. as i pull the HOT cookies sheet out of the oven, she comes over to smell them and before i know what is happening, she has put her chin ON THE COOKIE SHEET! she was so stunned she kept it there for a few seconds. but she was such a big girl. did not cry or tear up. i quickly grabbed some aloe from the plant i keep in the window next to the stove and put some on her chin. but she still has a pretty bad burn.
but the bright side of this, she will probably most definitely keep her face away from the food from now on. at least the hot stuff. but anyway, i had cute pictures of her and noah (pre-burn), mia by herself (post burn) and aidan in front of the christmas tree. i will have to post those later. for now off to bed for me. until next time...
Posted by Anna at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
making movies
a long time friend of mine just had a baby (congrats JACK!). i was over visiting and he had made a slideshow movie of her first 2 weeks. as he was proudly showing this to me, i thought, why have i never done this! i have probably hundreds of pictures of my family and kids that i am always wanting to do something with. i never really investigated what all was on my computer, so i was pleasantly surprised to discover that i had movie maker on my computer. so i sat down to make my first movie, just to see how easy or hard it was. it was actually super easy. so my first production is about to is relatively simple...just the movie of aidan's life so far. my next production will be bigger and better, but you have to start somewhere. so enjoy! until next time...
Posted by Anna at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
i've always felt that names were hugely important for every person. a name can define you and how other people view you. people also can make preconceived notions about another person, before meeting them, based on a name. so i feel it is very important that parents choose a name wisely when they are naming their children. i have always had people say to me about my children's names, "oh that's a great name!" or "that's so pretty!" or "i love that name!" so i thought i would give a little history about each of my kid's names and if they live up to their names. another thing to know about me: with my kids a middle name is very important! most people will rarely use their middle names or they may only hear it when they are in trouble. but in the holt house, they hear their middle names about as frequently as they hear their first names. so a middle name is just as important as a first name here!
growing up, i was your typical girl and picked out my kids names when i was probably 12. i always knew that i my first son was going to be named noah. of course i knew the story of noah, but i didn't know any noah's in my life. i just knew though that my first son would be noah isaiah, end of story. fast forward 10 years later, and i find myself pregnant. travis and i had not talked about names (because i had the first boy and girl already named in my mind whether he liked it or not) and then we find out we are having a boy!! we were super excited, but that started the big question of what do we call him? i, of course, say, noah. travis hated the name noah! he listed everyway kids could make fun of him. some of them, i thought, were very far fetched. but noah was definitely not his first choice. we each made a list and tabled the discussion for the time being. we decided to focus then on the middle name. i had always thought isaiah would be his middle name, but at that time in my life i really became focused on family and tradition. i realized that my dad did not have any sons and he was the last male in our family and so our family name would die, essentially, with him. that was very sad to me. also, i realized, as he had no sons, he did not have a male to pass on the tradition that had started with giving the males the middle name of grant. i thought about this and thought, i could continue that traditon and give my son that middle name. grant was actually a name travis had listed for a first name, so it was easy to persuade him to give our baby grant as a middle name. so that was decided, time to decide on a first name. we talked about our possiblities with our families and travis mom says, i would love for you to name him noah because that was my grandfather's name and i loved my grandfather. travis had never realized that that was his great-grandfather's name. once he realized that then he said, maybe noah's not so bad. so here we are with noah grant. named for his great-great grandfather and his grandfather. the meaning of his names: noah means "rest, comfort" and grant means "great, large." i don't know. for those that know noah, you decide if it fits him. hmmm.....
again, i had a name picked out from age 12, zoey elizabeth. i just knew zoey was going to be my daughter's name. as i grew up and after having noah and just becoming an adult, i decided zoey is just not my favorite name. travis had no ideas for a girl name and was not attached to anything, so amelia's name just came from scratch. i knew i wanted something girly and feminine. we had just seen the princess diaries and it was a favorite movie for our family. the main character was princess amelia. she was not your typical princess though. she was your average girl, thrown into the life of a princess. i really related to her and her awkwardness as i was definitely an awkward teenager who definitely wanted to be a princess. amelia just seemed to be the perfect name. the middle name was just a matter of, again, making lists of our favorite names and then just picking what seemed to fit. so no family names, just what sounded good. name meaning: amelia means "industrious, admiring" and grace means "grace of god." i definitely think this fits her!!
so here we are with little aidan. again, i already had a name for him before he was even thought of. after noah was born i said, my next boy i want to be named jackson william. so i just knew that if this baby was a boy, that was going to be his name. one small problem with that, travis hates the name jackson! i pulled many people over to my side, including his mom and sister, but he was not to be persuaded this time. so again we were starting over from scratch. for his first name we got the ole baby book out again and went through the names. i wanted something different that you don't hear too often. i didn't know any aidan's so it seemed pretty safe. we narrowed it down to aidan and samuel, but in the end aidan won out. next came the middle name. i decided to go back to a family name. mainly because my grandfather had died in 2006 and i was feeling like i needed to honor if not him, then my family. john became a strong contender, after my grandfather. then travis said, well i think i want to name the baby after me. so james was then thrown into contention. finally, i began thinking about men in my family that i look up to and that i would want to name my child after. now this person does not know this, but my uncle lowery is someone i consider a role model! i began to think about his name and did i want to use either his first or middle name? then one day my sister says, i think jokingly, you should name the baby after mychal (my uncle's son). at first i said, "yeah sure," jokingly. but then i thought about it....i really like the name michael. and if michael is a good enough name for my uncle to name his child, then i could name my child michael to. so we chose the traditional spelling and added it to the short list. so here we are with 3 names, all pretty equal in terms of choosing a name. so what better way to choose then to vote on it? so at my baby shower, we passed out ballots and michael won. travis was still campaigning for james and he did not know the outcome of the vote until he saw the completed birth certificate application. i almost changed it to james to make him happy, but michael just really fits! name meaning: aidan means "fiery" and michael means "who is like god?" another one right on! this is definitely my baby!
Posted by Anna at 7:51 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
summer fun
summer is here. the pool is out. the kids are playing.
on this particular saturday, we had 5 kids in the pool and hershey kisses to eat. what more could you want? mia (my hair helmut) outgrew her (aidan's) float ring about 3 years ago, but she figured she would squeeze in anyway. dj wasn't going to swim at first, then decided he was going to sit on the ladder with his clothes on (i did offer him swim trunks), then before you know it, he's in the pool fully clothed! kids! but what a fun day and a great way to kick off the summer! until next time.......
Posted by Anna at 3:01 PM 1 comments
parks family dinner
so the 1st annual parks family dinner was held recently at the pasta house in st. louis. by far it was a great event. we were able to get together with family that we hardly ever get to see (which is really sad because jc and stl are not far apart). the matriarchs of the family were in attendance (as you can see below). i am so glad that i have these two beautiful women in my life! good company, laughs, food and wine were enjoyed by all! i hope this can become a tradition. family is so important and vital. now on to the bogee family reunion in july......
Posted by Anna at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
i was sitting in church yesterday and inspiration struck! we had a special guest, the director of creative ministries for the united methodist church. i'm not sure if "inspiration struck" is the exact phrasing i want to use, but i definitely felt.......called upon, pulled to, "lightbulb came on".......
Posted by Anna at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
well it is done. aidan has had his first haircut. not that it probably wasn't needed, but i am still sad to see it happen. i was fully ready to let it continue to grow and grow and just see what happens, but alas i was outvoted and bullied and here we are! so for your pictorial pleasure.....
completely different boy! but could also have something to do with the fact that he is now 366 days old! yes that's right he is 1! where did the year go? i have no idea, but they just seem to be going much faster now. i must (we all must) remember to enjoy these moments now because we can never get them back.
Posted by Anna at 7:32 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
my favorite things
so i stole this idea from another blog i read. i was really drawn to the idea and decided to make my own list. i'm posting my favorite things now and will post things i dislike later. things i hate aren't nearly as much fun to think about. so here goes:
50 Things I Love (in no particular order)
1. Snuggling with my kids on a lazy Saturday morning
2. A glass of wine with a girlfriend
3. Sex with my husband
4. Christmas!! All parts of the holiday…….decorations, food, cookies…..
5. Mahjong
6. Anything by Rachel Gibson
7. Pictures of my family
8. Sitting outside on a dewy morning
9. My iPod… of the greatest inventions of all time!!
10. Aidan’s giggle
11. Mia’s pronunciations
12. The smell of Pine Sol
13. Feeling of peace when everything is done
14. Sunday afternoons in the summer, sitting on my in-laws back porch
15. Looking at my daughter and seeing my past
16. Finding the perfect thing to wear when I’m running late for work
17. Brownie mix when I’m sad
18. Necco Candy Hearts
19. Games, Games, Games, Games, Games! (My new, but old favorite, is Outburst)
20. Driving down the highway on a sunny afternoon, kids sleeping in the backseat, headed for a family vacation
21. Family vacations!!!!
22. Getting a letter or phone call from someone I haven’t talked to in a while
23. The fact that Noah always has to give me a kiss and hug before bed
24. Snow days
25. Ten Bean Soup with Cornbread muffins
26. Bubble bath with a good book
27. The Discovery Health Channel
28. Learning something new
29. Nostalgia from my childhood (Sweet Valley High, Nancy Drew, Saturday Morning Cartoons……….)
30. discovering a new book/author
31. the home shopping channels (even though i never buy anything, it is addicting just to watch)
32. food, pastas, rich desserts, seafood, just any food
33. breakfast at iHop with the family
34. Reality TV!!! crazy to me to see so many people ready to make fools of themselves
35. The Amazing Race.....would love to be on that show one day....just need a partner
36. you tube....I could watch different channels all day...bon qui qui, can i get ur number.....lmao
37. Travis in a silly mood. My husband is actually a really funny guy when he's in the right mood.
38. The endless chatter of my would be really dull without it, even though it could drive you crazy. I think Mia actually CAN talk water up a hill.
39. Mia's super girly-ness
40. open houses
41. warm milk
42. aimlessly walking around target on a sunday afternoon with my best friend
43. my job. not all parts of it, but actually getting to help kids and teaching and mentoring, love that part.
44. my parents. i have really grown to appreciate them as i have gotten older.
45. my sisters. even though i don't talk with them everyday, i still appreciate them for who they are. i am really proud to have both of them as my sisters. i know we will always have a bond because of the fact we are sisters.
46. sleeping during a thunderstorm
47. "Love Song" by The Cure. One of my favorite songs of all time!
48. myself! i know that sounds really narsicistic (?sp) but i think it's important for everyone to love themselves. it has taken me a long time to love myself and be comfortable with me, and now that i do, i am proud of that.
49. purses, lately the bigger the better
50. flip-flops! i need to live somewhere where i can wear them all year round!
that is the end of my list. i really could list soooo many more things. i will post later, the 50 things i hate. that one may be a bit more difficult. i don't "hate" too many things. until next time......
peace out!
Posted by Anna at 8:18 PM 0 comments
super excited
Posted by Anna at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
so i realize i shouldn't be nearly as upset as i am about this, all-time favorite television show has gone off the air.
ER will truly be missed by me! most people knew, do not call my house on thursday night at 9 pm because er would be on and i can not be disturbed during that time. from the very beginning, i was drawn into the er and loved all the characters. you began to grow close to them (as close as you can to tv characters) and they became like a part of your family. when greene died or pratt died, i CRIED! when abby and luka got back together, i was excited. anytime morris did anything, i laughed. benton and carter were the best relationship on the show. peter benton was the best, period. i will miss this show and my thursday night tradition. while i know i can watch reruns endlessly in syndication, it is not the same as new episodes and knowing their characters are still plugging away in the er. travis and i did decide, they have set it up nicely for a spin-off. it can be centered around carter's new clinic and the storylines can focus on the hardships of getting good care and the workers that try to provide it. it would be called "county"..........or "america", whatever. but i am ticked that there were still some unresolved questions, at least for me. whatever happened to gates' veteran friend (i think he committed suicide, but i don't know)? did simon find closure and healing? are tony and sam going to get married? i guess they wouldn't answer those things though because their stories haven't really ended, they are all still working in the er. we just can't watch them anymore. moving on, guiding light is cancelled!!!
Posted by Anna at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
completely random
Posted by Anna at 9:24 PM 0 comments