okay, i've been trying to keep up the dnc this week, and i have been both surprised and disappointed. there have been some truly dull moments with some really inspiring moments sprinkled throughout.
monday night's tribute to ted kennedy and his speech did bring tears to my eyes. i did come away from that with hope in my heart! now michelle obama.....while i think it was a good speech and she did a great job, i still am not sure if i "like" her. but i do feel like i know her and barack a little bit more now and i feel comfortable with that.
that being said.......moving on to last night and hillary rodham clinton! loved it!!!! i came away from her speech wondering why she wasn't our nominee?! she should have been giving that same speech all along and she would have been. the video tribute was wonderful and to have her daughter introduce her was lovely as well. watching at home last night, there were many times i wanted to jump up from my seat and yell and applaud, but then i felt silly because i was the only in front of my tv.........
i now have my favorite slogans from the night:
- four more months!
- keep going!
well those our my basic thoughts for now. until next time........